About Company


Your personal legal resource,
built upon years of trust.

Our law firm’s primary goal is to provide each client with the highest qualitylegal service and to obtain a fair and equitable resolution for each client. This goal will be accomplished through our attorneys’ diligence and dedicated work within the confines of the law and through a cooperative working

relationship between our law firm attorney and client. Our qualified attorneys in Vancouver resolve most legal disputes through negotiation, mediation, or compromise. Legal matters that are not settled in this manner will be litigated either before a judge, commissioner, a jury, or an arbitrator.

Let Me Fight For Your Future

Real Experience. No-Nonsense, Aggressive Representation. If you or a loved one is in trouble and you need to protect your legal rights, you want to hire an experienced lawyer who will represent you strongly and get you the best possible result. You need no-nonsense, aggressive representation.

Awards and Accomplishements

We Are Proud Of Our Achievements


What makes me qualified?

For over 100 years, our law firm has maintained a reputation for providing our clients with cost-effective legal services in an aggressive, professional, and honorable manner. Our law firm attorneys commonly resolve legal issues such as personal injury, auto accident, real estate, elder law, criminal, family law, child support, divorce, construction and more.


Criminal Defense 85%
Sexual Harassment 90%
Civil Litigation 70%
Gun Rights Restoration 74%

What Our Clients
Say About Us

All testimonials

“Kada sam došla kod Jelene na program imala sam samo ideju. Nista nisam znala o tome kako se pokreće biznis i šta je sve potrebno da bih tu ideju realizovala. Na ovom programu dobila sam prije svega viziju o tome kako moj budući biznis treba da izgleda, a onda i korake koje treba da preduzmem kako bih do toga došla..”


“Ono što je meni bilo najkorisnije jeste saznanje kako i na koji način da definišem vrijednosti biznisa, napišem viziju i misiju, kako da odredim ciljnu grupu i kako da sa njima komuniciram. Sve u svemu, nakon ovog programa sam definitivno bila spremna da odmah krenem u preduzetništvo, sto sam i uradila.”


“Najjači utisak na mene su ostavila predavanja sa konkretnim iskustvima iz prakse, njihovi realni primjeri iz poslovnog okruženja, mogućnosti za rješavanje i prevazilaženje izazova na radnom mjestu ili izazova sa kojima se susrećemo pri pokretanju sopstvenog biznisa”


Criminal defense is the beating heart
of our practice — put our experience and
energy to work for you!

Consult with a highly experienced legal attorney


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